It is important for those entering nursing school to determine the financial costs of attending a nursing program. The tuition of the nursing school program can be high, although financial aid is often available. Other factors to include would be time spent off work, childcare costs, and commuting. There are many factors involved in the cost of a beginning a nurse career.
Tuition for nursing school is usually the same as the general tuition for the school where the program is offered. Nursing programs often run through at least one summer session, and the cost of summer tuition can be higher than the usual cost of regular tuition, which should be considered when making the decision to attend. While tuition at community colleges is usually somewhat affordable, tuition at both public and private universities continues to rise. Private university tuition can sometimes be exorbitantly high.
Financial aid is usually available to nursing students in the form of scholarships and loans. Employers will sometimes also pay for the cost of tuition for employees, and students interested in a nursing career should check every avenue available to them to obtain financing for school.
Other factors to consider when determining the cost of school include commuting costs: Students have to drive to and from school, clinical sites, and study groups. Childcare is also often a necessary component for mothers and fathers attending school. The future nurse should also consider that it is next to impossible to work full time while attending nursing school full time. Lost wages may be a considerable factor in attending school.
It is important to consider all of the factors that make up the cost of attending nursing school. Tuition and books are not the only costs involved for the student nurse, but also car expenses and gas, childcare, and lost time from work. All of these factors should be taken into consideration when determining the true cost of nursing school.
Tuition of Program
Tuition costs vary by nursing program and should be an important factor when choosing which nursing school to attend to begin a nursing career. Community college and vocational school programs are typically supported by the state, making tuition more affordable. Public universities may also be supported by the state, making tuition less expensive than at a private university. Tuition costs can mount up, particularly when the additional time needed for prerequisite courses is factored in.
Community colleges and public vocational schools are often state-supported and have lower tuition costs than other programs. Community colleges are usually quite affordable, and many offer programs for further tuition reductions for working families. Vocational schools may or may not be public, and the student should check with the program to determine tuition costs right away. Private vocational colleges tend to be quite a bit more expensive than any public university or community college program.
University tuition varies by school and is considerably more expensive at a private college, although more expensive private schools do often provide more options for financial aid and scholarships than do public universities. The quality of the education provided should also be factored into whether or not the tuition is worth the price of the education to pursue a nursing career.
Tuition costs are by far the most expensive part of a nursing education. Determining which program to attend should include factoring in the value of the education for the tuition charged.
Factors that Affect Cost
There are many factors that may affect the cost of a nursing education when pursuing a nursing career. Potential nursing students should determine the cost of the commute to and from school and whether public transportation is available. If childcare is a concern, the availability and price of daycare should also be included. Determining the value of a public or private education should also be considered when determining where to attend nursing school.
New nursing students will always have some form of commute to and from school each day. Online courses are generally not available for every nursing school class, particularly for students pursuing their first degree in nursing. If walking is not an option, there will be some form of commute. The cost of the commute will vary depending on which method of transportation is chosen. If the school is on a bus route, students are often offered significantly discounted bus passes to encourage them to use public transportation to get to school. This can have several benefits, including not having to find a parking spot on campus. Travel by car can get expensive when the cost of the car, gasoline, and parking are added up. Travel will also be necessary to and from clinical sites, which may or may not be on bus routes.
Childcare is also often a necessity for those seeking a nursing career. If childcare is available on campus, it is sometimes offered at a discount to students. Obtaining childcare is a necessary and sometimes costly part of the price of a nursing education.
Students should also determine if the price of a private education can be justified if public education is available. While it is sometimes easier to obtain admission to a private vocational college, the costs are often exorbitant, sometimes much more than at a private university. The student needs to determine if the price of an easier admission can be offset by the excessive costs of some private schools.
There are many factors that make up the cost of nursing school beyond the price of tuition. Commuting costs, childcare, and private college rates should all be factors when considering the cost of a nursing school.
Financial Aid
Financial aid is often available to students who have decided to seek a nursing career. Financial aid may come in the form of loans, grants, or scholarships. If the student has been in the military, tuition benefits are sometimes available. Occasionally, employers will also pay the cost of tuition for employees seeking to advance their careers. There are usually many options available for nursing students.
Traditional financial aid is available for most nursing school students. Students fill out a federal form each year around tax season, and schools are able to determine what types of financial aid the student qualifies for. Most students can qualify for student loans at a minimum, but many are also offered grants or scholarships on the basis of need. The financial aid office of the chosen school can help with any financial aid questions the student might have.
If a student has ever been enlisted in the military, she may be entitled to tuition assistance. This can also be determined through the financial aid office of the school the student has chosen to attend. The military may cover tuition, books, and living expenses while the student is enrolled in school.
Employers may also help to pay for nursing education for their employees that are looking to further their nursing careers. Many employers offer tuition assistance or reimbursement after completing courses. Students would need to check with their employers directly to determine if they are eligible for any of these kinds of benefits.
Most nursing students need some form of financial aid while enrolled in school. This often comes in the form of loans, but may also be available as grants, scholarships, and military or employer assistance. The student should check all avenues to determine if she is eligible for any type of extra financial assistance.